6 Symptoms of Piles in Men You Should Not Ignore

6 Symptoms of Piles in Men You Should Not Ignore


Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are a common condition that affects millions of men worldwide. While piles are often considered minor ailments, they can cause significant discomfort and impact daily life if left untreated. Recognizing the symptoms early on is crucial for timely intervention and effective management. In this article, we’ll delve into the symptoms of piles in men, shedding light on the signs that should not be ignored.

What are piles in Men?

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are like swollen blood vessels in the bottom. Imagine small cushions that can get a bit big and cause discomfort. They might make you see blood when you pee, feel itchy, or even have pain. It’s like a common issue in the bottom area that can bother some men. If you ever feel uncomfortable, it’s good to talk to the best pulmonologist and get the right treatment.

6 Symptoms of Piles in Men

Here are some common symptoms of piles in men. Knowing these signs helps you take action early and get the right help for a more comfortable and healthy life. Understanding the symptoms of piles in men is crucial for timely diagnosis and appropriate management. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the various signs and symptoms men may experience when dealing with piles.

  • Incomplete Bowel Movements

Experiencing a sense of incompleteness after using the toilet is a frequent symptom associated with piles. This lingering feeling often arises due to piles interfering with the regular passage of stool. 

  • Rectal Bleeding

One of the hallmark symptoms of piles in men is rectal bleeding. Piles can quietly signal their presence through rectal bleeding. If you notice bright red blood during bathroom time, it’s a clear sign to pay attention. While it’s usually painless, it’s essential not to dismiss it.

  • Persistent Itching

Piles often bring persistent itching around the anal area, creating moments of discomfort. The swollen blood vessels contribute to irritation, causing an itch that can be bothersome. Over-the-counter creams may provide relief, but consult the doctor for the right treatment.

  • Pain or Discomfort

Men with piles commonly experience pain or discomfort in the anal area. This discomfort may range from mild to severe and can be exacerbated by activities such as sitting for prolonged periods, straining during bowel movements, or applying pressure to the affected area. Pain associated with piles may also be accompanied by a feeling of fullness or heaviness in the rectum. Ignoring persistent pain can lead to worsening symptoms and decreased quality of life, highlighting the importance of seeking medical evaluation and treatment.

  • Swelling Around the Anus

External piles become visible with lumps or swelling around the anus, causing physical discomfort and hygiene challenges. Seeking medical advice is crucial to accurately diagnose the type of piles.

  • Mucus Discharge

Piles may manifest with a mucus discharge from the anus, indicating their presence. While often overlooked, persistent discharge warrants attention.

Cause of Piles in men

Here are the few things that can cause piles in men

●   Excessive pressure during bathroom time can lead to piles.

●   Extra weight stresses blood vessels, increasing the risk of piles.

●   Lack of movement and prolonged sitting contribute to pile development.

●   Family history can heighten susceptibility to piles.

●   Insufficient fiber intake leads to constipation, contributing to piles.

●   Added pressure during pregnancy increases the risk of piles.

●   Irregular bowel habits strain blood vessels, causing piles.

●   Regularly lifting heavy objects may contribute to piles.

●   Persistent coughing or sneezing can exert pressure, potentially causing piles.

Can piles be prevented in males?

Yes, piles can be prevented by taking the right actions and medical treatment. Let’s know a few important factors through which piles can be prevented in males.

●   Fill your plate with fruits, veggies, and whole grains. They help keep your stomach and bottom happy.

●   Drink plenty of water. It makes your poop soft, so it’s easy to go to the bathroom.

●   Don’t sit for too long. Take breaks and walk around. It helps your bottom stay comfy.

●   Smoking isn’t good for your blood vessels, and that can cause problems in your bottom.

Treatment for piles in males

For men dealing with piles, relief is within reach through simple measures. Adjust your diet by adding fiber-rich foods and staying hydrated. Over-the-counter creams and warm baths can ease discomfort, while regular exercise prevents constipation. recognizing the symptoms of piles in men is essential for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Dr. Hemant Garg is the most reputed Fistula Treatment and Fissure Treatment in Jaipur and has years of work experience and is the Best Piles Doctor in Jaipur for Fissure Surgery and for such as Fistula surgery and Piles Surgery.

●   When you feel like you need to go to the bathroom, don’t wait. Going on time keeps your stomach and bottom happy.

How are piles in males diagnosed?

Diagnosing piles involves a series of steps to identify the issue and determine the most suitable course of action for relief.

1.    Medical History- The doctor will start by asking about your medical history, including any symptoms you’ve noticed and your overall health.

2.    Physical Examination- A physical examination is conducted, focusing on the anal area. This helps the doctor check for any swelling, lumps, or external signs of piles.

3.    Digital Rectal Examination (DRE)- In some cases, a DRE may be performed. The doctor uses a gloved finger to gently check inside the rectum for abnormalities.

4.    Visual Inspection- An anoscope or proctoscope may be used for a visual inspection of the rectum and lower part of the colon. This helps the doctor get a clearer view of the internal hemorrhoids.

5.    Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy- If internal piles are suspected, a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy may be recommended. These procedures involve using a flexible tube with a camera to examine the entire colon or a portion of it.

6.    Imaging Tests- In rare cases, imaging tests like ultrasound may be used to get a detailed view of the blood vessels in the rectal area.

7. Laboratory Tests- Blood tests are not typically used to diagnose piles, but they may be ordered to rule out other potential causes of rectal bleeding or discomfort.

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