Painful or Painless Piles: Understanding the Difference and What It Means
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels in the rectal area that vary in terms of severity and symptoms. While they are treatable and more common, they could be a source of embarrassment and discomfort. The most confusing aspect of piles is that some might be painful, while others might cause no discomfort or pain. Knowing the difference between painless and painful piles could be a major key in recognizing a condition’s severity, selecting appropriate treatment, and knowing when to seek medical advice. Let’s explore the difference between painless and painful piles, and what actions to take in both situations.
Types of Piles: An Overview
Piles are usually classified into two major categories as per their location in the anal canal.
● Internal piles – These arise inside the rectum and are usually painless because of the lack of pain-sensing nerves in the area. Moreover, they might lead to several other symptoms, like bleeding during bowel movements. Internal piles are further categorized with respect to grades, in which high grades resemble prominent symptoms.
● External piles – These arise outside the anus and are associated with discomfort and pain. Due to their location in an area enriched with pain-sensing nerves, this type of piles could result in pain, especially when a blood clot is formed. External piles cause discomfort during certain activities, like walking, sitting, or bowel movements.
Understanding these types could help in recognizing why certain piles are painless and some are painful.
Causes of Pain in Piles
The absence and presence of pain during piles depend on certain factors. Here are some common causes of pain that are associated with piles.
● Painful piles usually result from blood clot formation within hemorrhoids, well-known as thrombosis. This could cause swelling and severe pain, especially in external piles.
● In certain cases, piles could get swollen because of strain during constipation, bowel movements, or some other factors. Inflammation exerts pressure on surrounding tissues, which results in discomfort and pain.
● Various activities, like rubbing, prolonged sitting, and wiping could irritate piles, especially external piles, that results in enhanced pain and discomfort.
● When internal piles arise from the anus, they result in pain. Prolapsed piles could result in irritation as they come in contact with the outside environment.
All these causes represent why certain piles are associated with pain, especially internal or external ones that might have prolapsed.
Symptoms of Painful vs. Painless Piles
Pile symptoms might vary as per its severity and type, and whether it is painful or not. Here are the symptoms of both types.
● Painful piles – This type of pile is characterized by symptoms, like throbbing pain or sharp pain, especially while sitting or during bowel movement. While external piles result in sudden and intense pain and possess a bluish appearance. In various cases where internal piles get prolapsed, the pain might get worse as soon as exposed to the outer environment.
● Painless piles – These are often in early stages that don’t prolapse. It might cause no discomfort, but certain common symptoms include bright red bleeding during bowel movements. Certain individuals might experience mild irritation or itching, but these types are less noticeable.
Knowing about the difference between painless and painful piles could be the first step toward understanding the lifestyle or treatment.
What Pain or Lack of Pain May Indicate
Pain in piles represents signal complications, like prolapse or thrombosis. And, pain presence usually represents internal or external piles that might have prolapsed, both of which need quick medical assistance.
Painless piles, especially if they are small and internal, are less severe. This type of pile doesn’t need medical advice beyond over-the-counter and lifestyle changes. However, if painless, piles could result in other complications, like anemia. Therefore, a lack of pain does not always represent a lack of seriousness.
In certain cases, people with painless piles might experience delays in getting treatment, thus resulting in the worsening of the condition with time. However, regular monitoring along with addressing symptoms during the early stage could help in the prevention of piles progression, whether it is painless or painful.
When to Seek Medical Help
It seems to be essential to recognize when medical advice is crucial, whether piles are painless or painful:-
● If piles cause sudden and severe pain, especially if accompanied by swelling, it could lead to various other complications, which might need quick treatment.
● If internal piles get prolapsed and don’t retract on their own, as it might need a medical process to correct.
● Any sort of persistent or heavy bleeding from piles should be properly evaluated by a doctor, as it could result in anemia or some other condition.
● If piles cause persistent discomfort, a healthcare provider could help in determining a more effective treatment plan.
Achieving medical assistance at the correct time could alleviate symptoms and avoid complications that might arise from ignoring conditions.
Diagnosis: How Doctors Differentiate Pile Types
Whenever it comes to differentiating or diagnosing between painless and painful piles, doctors make use of a combination of history-making, physical exams, and certain additional tests. Here is an overview of various diagnostic approaches.
● For external piles, a physical examination might be sufficient to identify piles while assessing the situation. A digital rectal exam might be conducted to examine internal piles.
● In the case of internal piles, an anoscope is inserted into the rectum, which helps in the proper viewing of internal structures. This helps the doctor to check for prolapse, piles, or other conditions.
● In certain cases with bleeding or when piles are suspected, a colonoscopy is suggested. This could help to rule out various other causes of rectal bleeding, like colorectal cancer.
Through these diagnostic ways, doctors could determine the grade and type of piles and offer a better treatment plan as per symptom severity.
Understanding the difference between painless and painful piles could allow individuals to recognize when it would be better to get help. While painful piles need quick medical assistance, painless piles should not be ignored, especially when they cause bleeding and discomfort. Dr. Hemant Garg is the most reputed piles treatment in Jaipur and has years of work experience and is the Best Piles Doctor in Jaipur for Fissure Surgery and for such as Fistula surgery and Piles Surgery.